Brenda Rufener: Homeless Youth

Air date: 4/30/2018
**Read the transcript of the episode: 051618 intersections with Brenda Rufener

Brenda Rufener color author photo, Carolyn Scott PhotographyBrenda Rufener’s debut YA novel, Where I Live follows the story of Linden Rose, a clever and witty teenager who lives at her school in successful secret. Despite this challenge, she still faces typical adolescent issues such as getting ready for the Homecoming dance and studying for the SATs.

One in 30 children in the United States are homeless and oftentimes do not live in areas with shelters or shelters appropriate for women and girls. Brenda Rufener has extensive experience working with homeless children and families and almost ended up in such circumstances herself. Where I Live is a story for everyone.

Our interview aired for the April 30th, 2018 episode of Intersections Radio. Check out the podcast!

Where I Live (Final Cover)